Chapter 08: Tupperware

The book often uses the "Point" style in its examples.

Container.of('bombs').map(append(' away')).map(prop('length')); 
// Container(10)

Since v2.x fp-ts no longer supports this style. You can read a lengthy discussion on the matter here.


implemented as Option

// withdraw :: Number -> Account -> Maybe(Account)
const withdraw = curry((amount, { balance }) =>
  Maybe.of(balance >= amount ? { balance: balance - amount } : null));

// This function is hypothetical, not implemented here... nor anywhere else.
// updateLedger :: Account -> Account 
const updateLedger = account => account;

// remainingBalance :: Account -> String
const remainingBalance = ({ balance }) => `Your balance is $${balance}`;

// finishTransaction :: Account -> String
const finishTransaction = compose(remainingBalance, updateLedger);

// getTwenty :: Account -> String
const getTwenty = compose(maybe('You\'re broke!', finishTransaction), withdraw(20));

getTwenty({ balance: 200.00 }); 
// 'Your balance is $180.00'

getTwenty({ balance: 10.00 }); 
// 'You\'re broke!'


const moment = require('moment');

// getAge :: Date -> User -> Either(String, Number)
const getAge = curry((now, user) => {
  const birthDate = moment(user.birthDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');

  return birthDate.isValid()
    ? Either.of(now.diff(birthDate, 'years'))
    : left('Birth date could not be parsed');

getAge(moment(), { birthDate: '2005-12-12' });
// Right(9)

getAge(moment(), { birthDate: 'July 4, 2001' });
// Left('Birth date could not be parsed')

// fortune :: Number -> String
const fortune = compose(concat('If you survive, you will be '), toString, add(1));

// zoltar :: User -> Either(String, _)
//const zoltar = compose(map(console.log), map(fortune), getAge(moment()));

// zoltar :: User -> _
const zoltar = compose(console.log, either(id, fortune), getAge(moment()));


IO is implemented a little different from the above functors. Since IO is really just a "thunk", it's as it's one of the concepts which ts can support first class.

// ioWindow :: IO Window
const ioWindow = new IO(() => window); => win.innerWidth);
// IO(1430)

// IO(['http:', '', 'localhost:8000', 'blog', 'posts'])

// $ :: String -> IO [DOM]
const $ = selector => new IO(() => document.querySelectorAll(selector));

$('#myDiv').map(head).map(div => div.innerHTML);
// IO('I am some inner html')


In fp-ts, Task is defined as a () => Promise that will never fail (see the Practical Guide to fp-ts for an in-depth explanation).

This is inconsistent with the books use of Task. We will instead need to use TaskEither:

// getJSON :: String -> {} -> Task Error JSON
const getJSON = curry((url, params) => new Task((reject, result) => {
  $.getJSON(url, params, result).fail(reject);

getJSON('/video', { id: 10 }).map(prop('title'));
// Task('Family Matters ep 15')

Last updated

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